It’s rubbish Thailand I can’t really understand why anyone would want to go there.. Oh no, hang on, scrap that, it’s great. Here are some photos to illustrate my point..
It’s rubbish Thailand I can’t really understand why anyone would want to go there.. Oh no, hang on, scrap that, it’s great. Here are some photos to illustrate my point..
I went travelling in India a while ago, here are some of the photographs. I also wrote a blog whilst I was there, If you’ve got a couple of hours to spare and fancy some virtual tourism you can read all about it at here.
So here’s a cunning bit of fun, get yourselves over to Tagexedo and generate some text based art. All you have to do is paste in the URL of a website (such as a blog) with some text in it and hit randomise – et viola! Instant gratification. I particularly like the fact that you can export at very high resolutions – ideal for importing into After Effects to fly a camera around or for printing out and sticking on the wall. […]
A few people have mentioned that the Sims 3 has some heavy duty hardware requirements, so I looked into it. Here’s what is says on the box: Minimum System Requirements: OS: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Processor: Quad Core Intel® Xeon® Processor E5540 2.53GHz,8M L3, 5.8GT/s,turbo Memory: 192GB, DDR3 Memory, 1066MHz, ECC (3 DIMMS) Graphics CARD: Dual 4.0GB NVIDIA® Quadro® FX 5800, QUAD MON, 2DP & 4DVI Hard Drive/Controller: PERC6/i SAS/SATA Hardware RAID Card 4 x 450GB, 3.0Gb/s, SAS, 3.5 […]
Hmmm, that seems reasonable doesn’t it? £613.99 for the Adobe upgrade in the UK and $599.00 for the identical upgrade in the US. What is even more ridiculous is that you can buy the upgrade as a downloadable file – i.e. no box, no DVD and therefore no theoretical distribution costs at all directly from the Adobe site and the price difference is the same as above. And they wonder why piracy is so prevalent… A few years when […]
Venice is very pretty, I think everybody is probably aware of this. It’s also a photographic nightmare – it would be quite easy to spend your entire holiday taking photographs of things rather than actually looking at them – the middle class holiday version of going to a rock concert and then spending the whole evening videoing the event on you mobile phone, thus reducing the whole experience down to a 5cm x 3cm proxied rendition of events.
Do you think you know the English language? well if you think you do I’m sure you will be screaming by now about the above photograph on the basis that palletised – or I have to presume for our American readers’ ‘palletized’ – is, well, not a real word. The thing is, in our “content is more” Internet enabled culture defining things and making definitions of them available to the masses as quickly as possible is the way to generate traffic and […]
An abandoned Nat West Tie lies on Tottenham Court Road… A metaphor for the fall of the world banks or disgruntled employee who’d had enough? Unfortunately I didn’t get to see its owner discard it…