Venice is very pretty, I think everybody is probably aware of this. It’s also a photographic nightmare – it would be quite easy to spend your entire holiday taking photographs of things rather than actually looking at them – the middle class holiday version of going to a rock concert and then spending the whole evening videoing the event on you mobile phone, thus reducing the whole experience down to a 5cm x 3cm proxied rendition of events.
I managed to keep my photo count addiction down to about 200 a day, not bad going for me. Mind you that doesn’t include the video footage…
Taking a half decent photograph in Venice requires four things:
- Putting the camera in your bag before leaving home.
- Remembering to remove the lens cap before pressing the shutter button.
- Looking into the correct end of the camera.
- Having a memory card installed.
There’s more photos of the Venice Biennale on here somewhere. That search box at the top will probably help you find them.