
The Writing on the Wall

Left Vs Right

So here’s a beautiful thing courtesy of David McCandless at informationisbeautiful.net


Oh that’s nice, they’ve attempted to camouflage their satellite dish so it’s not so much of an eyesore. It’s good to see the label has lasted  too.

Back from the Dead

Here’s Malcolm Mclaren’s grave in Highgate cemetery. Pretty cool hey?

Useful cycle lanes.

I thought I was the only one ranting about stupid cycle lanes. it turns out I was wrong there’s a whole site dedicated to it. http://www.warringtoncyclecampaign.co.uk/

Facebook Privacy…Again.

So the iPhone Facebook app offers to sync your contacts pictures with you phone book contacts. A relatively appealing idea you might think until you read this legal notice that pops up. The cost for this? Facebook wants to datamine my whole contact list. Nice. I particularly like the fact that it puts the onus on you to check with your friends as to whether this is OK. After all why would you expect Facebook to look after the data […]

Jon’s Stag Do.

For your entertainment some photos from  LEEBS – well, that’s what the sign seems to say anyway. The occasion – Jon’s stag do. Apologies for my tourette’s photography style, I put it down to the lateness of the hour and the level of alcohol consumed. I’ve made the pictures a funny colour so we all look slightly healthier than in reality. Believe me this is a vast improvement on what I actually captured.

UK Election 2010 Timelapse.

Life is short and we all need to get some sleep… With this premise in mind I did a timelapse of the UK general election results so you can digest it all in a neat two and a half minute chunk.

Election 2010 – Anyone for Pie?

On the left – The number of votes cast for each of the major parties in the 2010 UK general Election. On the right the number of seats awarded to members of each of the main political parties.

Birthday Fun for Joe and Alice

Joe got to be 31 and Alice got to be 30, which is nice. I decided all the photos would be some sort of contemporary art project based on a Liberal Democrat orange colour. They also had to be very blurry at the end to try and re-create the “experience”

Anthropomorphising Anyone?

Question: How can an animal have its privacy invaded when privacy is a legal construct for humans alone?Answer: When the Daily Mail gets hold of the story.

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