
The Writing on the Wall


Conceptual Art Product

So did anyone watch the programme on the telebox recently following the art students at Goldsmiths? I didn’t think so. Anyway, it was a great insight in to how wide of the mark even the supposed “cream of the crop” artists can be.

I(T) Consultancy

  by G*

Orange Road Lines

Can I Park Here?

  So what the hell does that mean? Is this a money making venture to catch people out?  Or did the person who mixed the paint have a hangover? Answers in the comments section please!


A Vote for Apathy

Here’s a public service message from Virgin Active: Don’t worry about all that politics nonsense! Its boring! Come to our gym and have a party with all the other body fascists instead! Give me strength…

Advanced Computer Repairs

Not so secure Facebook?

So here’s a good one if you fancy spying on your friends: Install the Facebook app on your iPhone. Enable push notifications for your messages and feeds. Show your friend how cool the iPhone Facebook app is by letting them sign in on your phone – this is probably best done in the pub. They will no doubt have a tinker around and then sign themselves out. Sign yourself back in. Discover that you are now getting push messages from […]


Voting for Atheism

Being a practicing Atheist I decided I should ask my local parliamentary candidates some questions in regard to this. Here’s the email I’m going to send: Dear Candidate XXX, I am an Atheist , what Pro-Atheist policies do you have to tempt me to vote for you?  In particular, what are you views on the following: Will you be banning Faith Schools ? Will you remove the Tax Exempt status of Faith-Based Organisations, including any voluntary donations? Will you Bring […]


Voting for (spare) Change

Would you trust any of these men to look after your children? So I hear there’s a general election coming up. Here’s how to go about making a considered opinion about who to vote for in your local constituency. First look up who is running using a postcode search here: http://www.yournextmp.com/ Now go off and try and dig some dirt. You can get a financial breakdown and all sorts of other information at this site http://www.theyworkforyou.com/ Then there’s the obvious […]

Modern Art – With Post Production Issues

The whole God and Adam thing always used to bug me – it always looked like he should have been actually passing something over to Adam – what was he up to anyway? attempting a slightly long distance hand shake?

China – Travel Photographs

China, what can you say? Big country, lots of people, questionable ethics when it comes to Tibet. Anyway, I went there and took some photographs. Here are the results.

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