
The Writing on the Wall

Moron Twins #2


Basketball Anyone?

The oppressed masses

China is a sombre country. The clothes are like uniforms and nobody is allowed to show any sort of personal identity. Everything is a uniform utilitarian grey and people old and young wear the look of an oppressed society. We went out today as the rain sheeted down and thanked our lucky stars we are from the free and unrestricted west, where personal freedom is put first rather than the greater good. Strolling past endless identikit utilitarian housing we thanked […]

This internet cafe

Yamgshuo Nightime

Sugarcone mountains

Me? A tourist? The Moron Twins

Don’t look down….

That’ll be the ground then..

Him again..

The advanced school of photography..

Food for thought

Jurassic food? Yes, they are to eat…

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