
The Writing on the Wall

Bald Guy needs some sleep

Military Precision

I'm having bacon and eggs..again. In my books if something works do it again, there are less disappointments that way I think. Thinking about this hostel, something you are prone to when living somewhere albeit temporarily, I can't help be impressed by the effective way they have analysed the travellers requirements and fulfilled them. I can imagine them performing a test case study in advance of opening the place, maybe paying a group of backpackers and following them around whilst […]

Xi’an City Wall…

Does it go on forever? Well 14KM to be exact. All the way that way… ..and all the way the other. Witness the melting man in Xi’an. Free performance every night (appropriate exposure required)

Some videos form the city wall..maybe

View from the top…with money

The Big Goose Pagoda

A pagoda.. Still life with plastic drinks bottle.. Carving.. More carving..

Temple of KFC

Important Message!

As posted on behalf of the public transport system perhaps?

Pat causing traffic incident…

The blogger at work…

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