
The Writing on the Wall

A farewell to Kong Kong..

Before the inevitable bankruptcy associated with having a good time in a big city sets in, we're departing HK's shores for China proper. It's been an adventure, even if the technology has frustrated… Still no photos? What is going on?! Perhaps when I get to the next populous area I might have more success. More later…

Travelling without moving

Due to technical difficulties my latest attempts to post pictures have run into problems. It seems fitting that in one of the most technologically advanced cities of the world I am unable to post some pictures to a blog site. My new super dooper high capacity memory card didn't seem to want to work in the crazy internet café I tried last night. I may have been able to work out what was wrong if all the menus, dialogues and […]

The only way is up..

.and up we went via cable car to the top of one of the many mountains round here. Cable cars are a funny form of transport it occurs to me. A fragile way to travel that really serves no other purpose that to get you to the top of a hill to admire the view without all the inconvenient exercise that is usually required. Here when reaching the summit you can admire a large statue of The Buddha and visit […]

Hong Kong

There's a strange familiarity to Hong Kong. We took the bus – a big London shaped bus – from the airport to Causeway Bay – our latest shoeboxed sized accommodation and home for the week. The general feeling was of being on the bus replacement service from Stanstead to Liverpool street. I've got a funny feeling of deja vu. The years of British rule mean the street furniture is the same. Signs, road markings, vehicles and other elements of the […]

Elevator city

Hong Kong is no midget. With so little space to work with on the ground every building is tall. One of the consequences of this is that you spend a large amount of time waiting for and then travelling in elevators. In London you seldom get in a lift unless you live near a very deep routed tube station. Here almost every visit to a building requires a trip in one of those mysterious steel lined boxes. A direct consequence […]

One last story before I go….

So Son Tai being a crumbly sort of place I had a comedy accident late one night whilst trying to get up some make shift steps. Net result was I grazed my shin. Ouch. With some baking in the sun the next day it started to dry out and soon was covered with a thick crusty oozing scab. Lovely. A couple of days later we decided to go on a boat trip. The usual sort of thing, tootle around the […]

Best sales pitch in the world…ever?

I was walking along the beach front last night. Passing a bar festooned with fairy lights and other out of place Christmas paraphernalia a voice called out to me. 'Welcome my friend! Come on in, have a cold drink, free pool table, free chicken from the barbecue, OK to smoke marijuana!' Can't really refuse that offer now, can you?

Paradise Lost – end of chapter two.

Here, for the moment at least, on this palm tree lined beach front lies paradise. The music plays, drinks flow, spliffs are smoked, ad-hoc football games are organised in the soft sand and you get the merest glimpse of what it is like when people are just content to 'be.' There are few agendas here, the inhabitants and backpackers seem just happy to be in the moment. People lounge around doing nothing but smiling at their own luck. There's another […]

Jungle cinema

I still trying to work out what is going on with our friends and their cinema here in the jungle. It's actually more organised than I initially realised, they've got lots of soft seating for those late night movie sessions and seem very happy if you go and join them. Talking of which, I pottered over there the other evening and discovered about twenty other people lounging around waiting for the movie to start. These guys being monster stoners, choosing […]

Ever wondered where we are?

It occurs to me perhaps you’re wondering where I’m sat whilst typing this. Some luxurious air conditioned Internet cafe perhaps. Well no, this one’s actually a supermarket: That’s me sat in the the front seat who you can’t see because I’ve popped out of shot to take the photo. Directly behind me the selection of mosquito repellents. How convenient.

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