
The Writing on the Wall


Bar Life

Mighty Morphing….

Bicycle Race

This being China we hired bikes yesterday. I got a nice shiny new boys mountain bike with too many gears. Is it me or are most of those gears superfluous? I suppose they're designed for those irritating adrenaline junkies whose idea of a good time is peddling up the north face of the Eiger. Pat plumped for a classic ladies sit-up-and-beg model, replete with basket for your handbag. 'Is he a ladyboy?' enquired the man at the bike hire shop. […]

Lucky Shamrock No. 8. Guilin Airport

I'm sat in the aforementioned 'pub' in Guilin airport eating a microwaved ham sandwich. Hmmm, very curious concept, make a ham sandwich and nuke in for a few minutes. For desk bound wanna-be-travellers, you can recreate this experience and join in the fun: Take four slices of white bread and cut off the crusts. Add some cheap ham. I reckon Spam would not be far off the mark. Place in microwave and nuke until it is steaming gently.Consume. Be amazed […]

Cats and Dogs

Silk Worms

Collecting silk form the silk worms obviously…

Basic heating system

Wet tiles..

It’s raining … alot


Strangely found in the middle of the sugarcone mountains…

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