
The Writing on the Wall

Rumble in the jungle.

We're staying in a shack in the jungle near the beach. So far so normal. Returning to the hut this evening I noticed a strange ethereal glow a little way off into the distance. On closer investigation it appeared to look like a video projection. I thought I could make out some text, screwing my eyes up a little I could make out the letters.. P…L…A…Y…E…R… I moved a little closer. It would appear that some enterprising individuals have hung […]

There’s something odd going on..

Strange lumps of water are falling from the skies. Perhaps I have done something to anger the gods? Did I not place enough bottles of Fanta outside my spirit house last night? No, its ok, it just raining. That’s the first time I’ve seen rain since I left the UK. I still think it’s over-rated myself. I’m sitting on a coach typing this heading towards Krabi. My T-shirt is adorned with labels stuck to it which also say ‘Krabi.’ The […]


So I’m sitting here in my hammock half way up a mountain in a wooded shack staring at the stars, contemplating life the universe and everything. There’s a weird rustling coming from beneath the balcony in the bushes down below. Is it some sort of exotic lizard I think. Maybe a giant arachnid of some kind. Hesitantly, I direct the glow from my ‘phone over the side of the balcony. With a degree of trepidation I peer into the gloom […]

It’s a dog’s life

I have a few ‘rules’ when arriving somewhere to stay for a few days. Most of them are dull. Everyone has their own little rituals of un-packing, arranging and exploring. They are usually things that lead to divorce in later life – leaving the toothpaste not facing due north for example. Some however are worth sharing. It’s important to make friends with the dogs when arriving at a newplace. I bonded with ours at the ‘Phangan Lodge’ on the first […]

Tinglish #2

I’m sure I only find thse funny because I’m a pedant, but there you go. That’ll be how to find the car park then? Or not?

Here hut here

That’ll be our hut then, not the thing at the bottom that’s the restaurant (Don’t have the fried eggs though, they always over-cook them) It’s the thing that looks like a bird house up in the trees. A brief stroll to the beach via this delightful bridge. Sooper.

Club Sandwich #5

Now you’re talking. See, slightly soft egg – bacon, lettuce, juicy tomato and delicate looking, so you don’t feel like you’re over-doing it. It even had those cocktail sticks with the grooves in the end, I like those for some reason. Good effort 8/10.

Games for the idle.

So, you wander across this sandy bit to the island, remembering of course to come back before high tide otherwise you end up doing a bit of improptu swimming/wading with your bag on your head. Ahem. Once there you can player a game of checkers. Admittedly we had to improvise with rocks and shells, but you can’t have everything can you? Still, it did make for a somewhat more complicated game than usual. It had to be said some rocks […]

Budget Accommodation

This is the one we turned down, a little draughty of an evening I thought. Still, it’s in a lovely spot. With excellent air conditioning.

They say it changes when the sun goes down..

Right, definitely no more bloody sunsets from now on. Back to hardcore journalism.

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