Things are getting faster and faster and stranger and stranger and it’s almost comforting to think that some sort of crystal moment will arrive and a new order will snap out and suddenly everything will be different. – William Gibson
Things are getting faster and faster and stranger and stranger and it’s almost comforting to think that some sort of crystal moment will arrive and a new order will snap out and suddenly everything will be different. – William Gibson
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. – Oscar Wilde
Do you really want to follow the next thought, wherever it leads? -Anon
In 1974 Paul Strand was asked how he chose the things he photographed: ‘I don’t,’ he replied. ‘They choose me’
Colour tends to corrupt photography and absolute colour corrupts absolutely . . . There are four simple words for the matter which must be whispered: colour photography is vulgar. – Walker Evans – 1969
Most negatively valenced emotions are not rooted in the present. – Anon
The technology and sophistication of the present-day camera seems to grow proportionally to the increasingly boring subject matter it records – Steve Pippin
Standing behind the camera, looking through the viewfinder, closing the shutter, is like momentarily departing the world -Naoya Hatakeyama Photographer
Photographs may be more memorable than moving images, because they are a neat slice of time, not a flow. Television is a stream of underselected images, each of which cancels its predecessor. Each still photograph is a privileged moment, turned into a slim object that one can keep and look at again. – Sunsan Sontag – On Photography