The fundamental aim of meditation is to deconstruct the self, not shore it up. – Anon
The fundamental aim of meditation is to deconstruct the self, not shore it up. – Anon
Landscape photographs should be simple things …but they never are… we are always adding- allegories, histories, memories, emotions and spiritual insights. – Hope Kingsley
We suffer more in imagination than in reality. – Seneca There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. – Shakespeare, Hamlet Distraction is the only thing that consoles us from miseries yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries. – Pascal
The view from the train window is like a cross between the view from a window at home and the view from a car. It is like being at home in that you are not obliged to look out of the window as you are when driving or being driven. On a train you are not confronted with the view; it is an option. You can, if you prefer, spend the journey reading, looking up from time to time – […]
The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. – Dorothea Lange
Make picture of kaleidoscope. —William H. Fox Talbot (ms. note dated February 18, 1839)
Photography is a tool for dealing with things everybody knows about but isn’t attending to. My photographs are intended to represent something you don’t see. —Emmet Gowin
The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality. —Jerry N. Uelsmann
The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality. —Jerry N. Uelsmann
Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees. You may see and be affected by other people’s ways, you may even use them to find your own, but you will have eventually to free yourself of them. That is what Nietzsche meant when he said, “I have just read Schopenhauer, now I have to get rid of him.” He knew how insidious other people’s ways could be, particularly those which have the forcefulness of profound […]