
The Writing on the Wall

Feeling Stupid? eBay Can Help!

So I was looking to sell my car on eBay and found this little gem of ridiculousness. Apparently the number plate or Vehicle Registration Mark (I hope you’re keep up here..) can be found on the front or the rear of the car. Good, I’m glad we’ve cleared that one up as I was a little hazy about that before I began. You have to wonder who is stupid enough to actually own and drive a car but not know […]

AVID, HDCAM and (no) Speed Changes

Now don’t get me wrong I love AVID in all its incarnations, but sometimes its pig headed belligerence (and if that isn’t anthropomorphising I don’t know what is) can drive me crazy. I think everybody must have come across the wonderfully obtuse “Effect does not apply” error when trying to add an effect to a video track which already has an effect on it. I’ve lost track of the number of junior editors who have come wandering up to me […]

Sunday Morning

Dawn of the Sprouting Potato

Cloudy Bright.

Hot Chocolate

Life on Mars

Here are some photographs taken of the new international space station telecommunications satellite on Mars.. Disappointingly I didn’t get to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger he wasn’t around for a chat, no doubt he was busy saving the world, or getting elocution lessons.

Jodrell Bank

Greetings from Mars! We visited to set up the new international space station telecommunications satellite. OK, I’m lying, it’s really Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics in Cheshire. Here are some moody photos that make it look like we were really on Mars.  

Digital Compositing with Censorship.

I’m removing some technical problems on this shot of two girls walking around naked. The arses were a bit distracting so I’ve improvised a solution with some post-it notes. Readers taking this post seriously apparently don’t know me very well.

Strange Place for a Tap… And it Seems to be Leaking..

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