
The Writing on the Wall

Welcome to France, where you can smoke in the hotel.

It’s the simple pleasures in life..

France 2×4

LATEST NEWS: Reading Festival floods…

Breaking news from the Reading festival, torrential downpours have caused untold damage and thousands of books have been destroyed. [Above] Enterprising festival goers try to save some of the books at this years Reading festival.

My hard drive with all my rushes on is broken….

Can you fix it? I think so yes, but it’s not ever going to work quite the same..

Farmville can FAUX off, or apparently not..

My friend Amanda posted this on Fauxbook: So I tried to “LIKE” it and got: Conspiracy theorists please discuss? In the meantime anyone fancy posting negative comments about “Farmville” to see what happens?

Local News

Logo of Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission

I don’t thing they paid enough attention to the proofs of this one… ..and another submission..

God, Adam and The Prodigy

Perivale Serendipity

The train home to Ealing for me seems to have a nasty habit of deciding to change destination after I have got on it. Being an iPhone addict it usually takes me about two stops to notice that I am heading in completely the wrong direction and I inevitably end up here, in Perivale, huffing and puffing about about my own inability to pay attention and the inadequacies of the announcements on London Underground. Tonight however I was treated to […]

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