
The Writing on the Wall

Anorexia – Irony or Symbolism?

At our post house we shred DVD’s we don’t need. This one happened to catch my attention…

Engineering Dinner

It has been pointed out that I made a school boy error in my last post by not including the most necessary element in any engineering meal – a beer. I have recognised the error of my ways and corrected them. In best celebrity cook style I have improved my recipe with the addition of a a side salad of sun roasted DVD shreddings together with a dressing of lens cleaner. Enjoy!

Engineering Lunch

The fridge in engineering was a little empty so I had to improvise.. Actually I think I’ve missed a trick here. I could have labelled the tape “Can’t cook, Won’t Cook” and called the post “TV dinners”

YouTube Goes 4K – Why?

Here’s one to file under the “Why the hell would you ever want to do that?” According to this blog post YouTube are now offering a 4K streaming service. There are a selection of clips to view here. Now before you all go rushing off to view them, I feel I should make a couple of observations. Firstly, Have you got you 4K monitor to hand? No? You surprise me. Well, you don’t to be honest because I’m not actually […]

Windows XP/7 Refusing to Connect to Network Shares

Ever had this little irritation when trying to connect to shares on Windows machines? The unhelpful error message doesn’t give much away either – “Not enough server storage to process the command” Well, yes obviously. Never fear, there’s a registry hack to fix it. This must be applied to the destination (I.E. the PC you are trying to connect to) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM   \CurrentControlSet    \Services     \LanmanServer      \Parameters IRPStackSize DWORD 0x0000000f (20) You’ll either find that […]

“Intersections” – Shoot Photos.

  InTransit is a series of artist led events hosted by The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Part of this is a film festival called Floodlight – artists and film makers have been asked to create a short film exploring the Grand Union Canal and the Westway. I was invited to submit an entry so we packed up our camera equipment and got to work.

Music Video – “Darcy Willow” by Greenfinger

Here’s a music video I knocked up for my friend Greenfinger aka SW1 aka Simon Wright. The track “Darcy Willow” is taken from the album “The Catchpool Kitchen Sessions” apparently made in Simon’s kitchen. Presumably he’s not that into cooking.

Random Google Result for OS X

I was looking for a book on OS X for the already IT competent and got this result… It’s good to know I have “special needs”

Benefit Fraud Form

Here’s a screen grab from the “Report a benefit thief online form” at the Department of Works and Pensions website. I think the person who came up with the items for the drop down menus has a wry sense of humour. Check it out here for more hilarity. Err, pink eyes? Presumably a raging alcoholic then?

Christopher Hitchens Quotes

Christopher Hitchens has been diagnosed with cancer. I wish him a speedy recovery. And no, I won’t be praying for him, because he wouldn’t want me to. Here’s a few of my favourite quotes from him: “Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter […]

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