Here’s another go at posting some video. Can you see it? It there anybody out there?
Here’s another go at posting some video. Can you see it? It there anybody out there?
The dilemma of how to wash your pants when you haven’t got a) A washing machine. b) A bucket. Solution, use the dustbin from the toilet. Nice “Might Mouse” logo as well, perhaps the mouse washes whiter? Of course as soon as I’d stuck them in the bucket I noticed the sign across the road “Washing 1kg 20 baht” That’ll teach me to not do a bit of research first. I appreciate that my general household chores are not really […]
He was sitting opposite me on the plane, I managed to grab a quick snap.. … then again at the dinner table. ..and then later in the evening at the bar.
This should hopefully have a bit of random video in it. Can you email me and let me know if it works. I’ll try posting something that is of vague interest if you can actually see it! Note that little sisters and others on low bandwidth connections may have to wait some time.
Different country, same sun, bigger buildings. For those of you who haven’t heard the phrase “same same but different” have a look here For some more on Tinglish have a look hereAnd there’s some more good stuff here
Doesn’t it make you feel wanted? I think everything should have a “Welcome to….” on it. I rather like the explanation at the bottom – (soap) – presumably in case you though they’d left mints next to the sink perhaps.
Modern city = shiny glass buildings. Strange shell pictures frames at the market. Tasteful. Advanced outboard engines.
Note the conveniently located bar/Internet cafe/restaurant across the road. This being Thailand every day is of course Christmas hence the fairy lights.
This is really what you need to deal with the mosquitoes. A rechargeable electric insect killer. Simply switch on, wave it around and any insects that stray across its path are zapped with a satisfying crack. Genius. Total price for this modern marvel? 100 baht (1.35 GBP) A veritable bargain and you can also practice your tennis swing at the same time. Here’s the bald one illustrating its use.