
The Writing on the Wall

  • P1210081

All this and (answers please)

Perhaps the answer in 42?

Flags of the Agents

Rather than be annoyed by the endless proliferation of estate agents signage I’ve decided to turn them into abstract art.

Rainy Windows.

In the Garden of the Mountain Apprentice

Deep in the countryside of southern France join one man and his slippers in an endless search for the man in black… Will he be successful in his quest? Will we finally get an answer to the question: “Where is Pat?”

How many fingers?

There’s something weird going on..

The closed duck

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  • flotsam-Jetsam

Beneath the Tide (Resurected)

Tribute to Malevich

Malevich painted his black square in 1913 supposedly the first painting of nothing. It appears that Southwalk council has unwittingly joined the supremacist movement with its somewhat ham-fisted attempt at covering up tagging near the Thames in Bermondsey. Here’s the same elements made to move:

Heading 4 Number 4 (Floating)

These are some stills from my short film “Heading 4 Number 4 (Floating) ” Watch it here:


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