
The Writing on the Wall

The trouble with surveys…

Is the overwhelming desire to give spurious answers. And where did they get that ancient logo from?

On Having no Head.

The Proposal (Moshed)

  We’re having a new security gate installed. The photo the company sent to as their proposal looked like something from a horror movie. I’ve moshed it around a bit using this great site

Fallen Angels.

Here’s a little experiment in slide show creation:

Form & Function


Circular Reasoning

  • IMG_9868
  • IMG_9867
  1. 1
  2. 2

Easy Flyer

Luxury Facilities

Sometimes (three) pictures say a thousand words… Edit       


A little bit of split-screen fun utilising some footage I shot whilst contemplating the river over a pint in Richmond. Music by Greenfinger. Here’s the Vimeo Link just in case the embedding doesn’t play nice for you.  

The Chainy Walk – Erith to Falconwood

      You can see (most of) the Cyclemeter trace here. Until the iPhone battery went flat that is.

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