
Category : Random

We have detected that your video is shaky and has bad lighting

..would you like us to fix that for you? Well that’s very kind YouTube, but perhaps I rather want it like that? This reminds me of the sticky labels you got attached to your prints when they came back from being developed at the chemist. Basically they were a critique of your photography skills. Fast forward 20 years and YouTube is doing the same with videos.

Zombies Ate My Girlfriend

I’ve been reading a book about David Cronenberg. It may be affecting my work….



Business Card/Advertising Proposal (Unused)

Day 3 – Egypt, Pyramids.


Travelling triptych 3


Temporary Relocation

Normal service will be resumed shortly. In the meantime here is a map made out of computer keyboard keys representing my present location. Coincidently no keys were used in the production of this text.  

Shattered #1

 Self Portrait, Brighton 2012.




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