
Category : Random

Train Script

Blogging from the iWorld

Do you think this look suits me? 

Tim Minchin – Banned WoodyAllenJesus

Happy Christmas! – As long as you don’t say anything even vaguely controversial it would appear. It looks like Tim Minchin fell into the trap of believing he could paraody religious faith at Christmas and ended up getting his song cut from the ITV Jonanthan Ross Show. Still, Tim doesn’t seem to be the sort of person who takes this nonsense lying down so he has posted the video on YouTube. Splendid work. I’ve fixed the aspect ratio and reposted it […]

Film Formats and Awards Explained…

Found at the Southbank animation exhibition. Go see it – it’s great..

Here lies William Blake

A fan of plastic giraffes, tee lights and cheap flowers. Oh, and string.

Article No.1 – Colour Space Conversion

RE: REC 601 RED PATCH BARS to CMYK Preliminary results: What happens when your turn an engineering test signal into a painting? This I guess.. I’m still trying to decide whether to glaze it – CRT or LCD look I guess. Questions: Why? Because it’s interesting to take something that exists in one domain (An engineering test signal) and transfer it to another (a painting on a canvas) Sorry, I still don’t get it, why? It’s a colour space transfer – how […]

Can you tell what it is yet?

There’s something very appealing about setting down your computer, picking up a paint brush and creating something that is tangible in the world – complete a painting and there is a sense of satisfaction. Nothing can break or go wrong – it cannot crash, fail to boot or otherwise not work. A fire or a flood are the only dangers to be fearful of. Get painting. “van rickgogh”

Song lyrics I really should have paid more attention to…

Tony.Christie – I Did What I Did For Maria Sun rise this is the last day  that I’ll ever see out in the court-yard they’re ready for me but I go to my Lord without fear ‘cos I did what I did for Maria. As I rode into town with the sun going down all the windows were barred there was noone around for they knew that I’d come with my hand on my gun and revenge in my heart […]

Attempting to write an article on the Android platform …

Like everything in the computing world it’s never as easy as you’d quite hope it should be. Never mind here’s a photo of some flowers to make us all feel s little calmer.. It has to be said that this swipe text input thing does work surprisingly well. Now all I have to do is get out of the habit of typing a double space as a shortcut for full stop. Damn you apple and your brainwashing.

Cinemascope GH1 in West Hampstead

A quick test of a 16×9 anamorphic adapter on front of the GH1. More tests later.

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