
Category : Blog

Err…where are we now?

Hong Kong Finally

Very Bladerunner. I’m using “The Force” to upload these as this version of Windows is in Cantonese. Adds to the excitement I suppose. Still, at least we have some pictures finally!

Move along please

We're in some place that I forget the name of on route to the sugar cone mountains. Apparently this is supposed to be the 'LA of Asia.' This basically means that it is hot, humid, overpopulated and all the streets are lined with Starbucks, KFC, and McDonalds. Very glamorous. Fortuitously, we're merely passing through.. There's a sense of relief when you visit a place like that. You can observe from a distance, safe in the knowledge that you rapid escape […]

To sleep…or not.

We're on a sleeper train heading for Guallim, recommended as one of the most beautiful places to visit in South China. Upon departure we were immediately befriended by what turned out to be a wedding party of women on there way to meet up with the groom for the ceremony. Enthusiastic to practice their English on us they kept us entertained into the wee hours, fed us snacks of mysterious food stuffs and explained the hurried art of leaping off […]

One more story before I go…

Enthused by our early morning foot massage we decided to try a five point body massage. Let it be said this is not an experience for the fainthearted, from under numerous layers of towelling Pat could be heard to mumble "Is this an act of sadomasochism?" The process is this, you lie on your front, head sticking through a hole in the rack, err, massage table I mean, whilst a small woman with the strength of Hercules rams her elbow […]


Did I mention Fenwicks? No? Good. All I can say is 'Thanks Chris!"

A farewell to Kong Kong..

Before the inevitable bankruptcy associated with having a good time in a big city sets in, we're departing HK's shores for China proper. It's been an adventure, even if the technology has frustrated… Still no photos? What is going on?! Perhaps when I get to the next populous area I might have more success. More later…

Travelling without moving

Due to technical difficulties my latest attempts to post pictures have run into problems. It seems fitting that in one of the most technologically advanced cities of the world I am unable to post some pictures to a blog site. My new super dooper high capacity memory card didn't seem to want to work in the crazy internet café I tried last night. I may have been able to work out what was wrong if all the menus, dialogues and […]

The only way is up..

.and up we went via cable car to the top of one of the many mountains round here. Cable cars are a funny form of transport it occurs to me. A fragile way to travel that really serves no other purpose that to get you to the top of a hill to admire the view without all the inconvenient exercise that is usually required. Here when reaching the summit you can admire a large statue of The Buddha and visit […]

Elevator city

Hong Kong is no midget. With so little space to work with on the ground every building is tall. One of the consequences of this is that you spend a large amount of time waiting for and then travelling in elevators. In London you seldom get in a lift unless you live near a very deep routed tube station. Here almost every visit to a building requires a trip in one of those mysterious steel lined boxes. A direct consequence […]

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