
Category : Blog

Don’t forget your earplugs

Languages other than English tend to be confusing because of the different delivery and intonation. Italian for example always sounds like a major argument, despite the fact that the issuer of a statement may politely be asking for a cup of coffee. Anything said fast and at loud volume in English tends to be angry or argumentative. Mandarin Chinese seems to have this problem. Listening to the locals having a conversation it's difficult to decide whether they are about to […]


Terracotta Warriors

I can see it’s a bit busy… Oh, there they are.. Quite a lot of them in fact.. Cleaning ladies cleaning up what exactly?

Bright Lights, Big City

Cave’s ‘R’ Us

Moron Twins #4 Rock formations that look like breasts. Cue much hilarity between us and the male guide about which were the Asian versions and which were the Americans.

Random Shed

There’s something rather appealing to me about huts in the middle of nowhere, Perhaps it’s the ‘Robinson Crusoe’ effect of Thailand beach life.


Bar Life

Mighty Morphing….

Lucky Shamrock No. 8. Guilin Airport

I'm sat in the aforementioned 'pub' in Guilin airport eating a microwaved ham sandwich. Hmmm, very curious concept, make a ham sandwich and nuke in for a few minutes. For desk bound wanna-be-travellers, you can recreate this experience and join in the fun: Take four slices of white bread and cut off the crusts. Add some cheap ham. I reckon Spam would not be far off the mark. Place in microwave and nuke until it is steaming gently.Consume. Be amazed […]

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