Here’s my 21st century Photoshop nod to Eadweard Muybridge – the father of moving pictures and the man who finally demonstrated that a horse does have all four hooves off the ground at one point during its gallop. That’s the bit when you pull the rug out obviously. There’s plenty more about Eadweard Muybridge over at Artsy here.
I’ve been doing some more split screen experiments, this time mirrored around both axis. I’m quite pleased with these results, there’s a hypnotic quality to this footage which is rather appealing.
In some respects it’s shame that the death penalty has been taken off the statute books in the United Kingdom. Perhaps the law could be changed to allow us to finish off the global corporations that currently threaten our society.
Do you take photos of weird stuff? What does it all mean? Maybe there’s some hidden meaning to the contents of your photographs…
I still fabricate DVD’s occasionally. I know that’s very Web 0.5, but they do have their uses. You can give them to you Mum for a start in the knowledge that she has a DVD player already. Additionally, you can have animated menus and other fun stuff. Oh yeah, and you don’t have to compress your pictures into dust to get them to fit down a telephone line that was originally designed as a low quality speech medium. I discovered […]
I’ve been to an awful lot of music festivals over the years. In 2008 I went to 19 in one year, that’s about 15 too many in my books. Still, it seemed like a good idea at the time. If you want to see pictures and video you need to register. It’s easy, there’s a little box over to the right there…