
Category : Blog

And now a word from our Sponsor.

Please try to relax. Normal service will resume as soon as we know what normality is.

  • P1210081

All this and (answers please)

Perhaps the answer in 42?

Rainy Windows.

How many fingers?

There’s something weird going on..

The closed duck

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  • flotsam-Jetsam

Beneath the Tide (Resurected)


If I Wanted to Create a Gallery Post….

How would I go about doing it? More specifically should I then delete it afterwards? I’ve often pondered this “self censorship” – something that doesn’t happen if you’ve ever kept a “real” diary other than the over dramatic act of tearing out the page which still leaves an audit trail in the sense of the inevitably visible severed remains poking out from the spine..

Latitude 2014

For the second time I Went to Latitude festival and shot some video. Here are the results.  

New Website Coming Soon.

In the mean time here’s an exciting picture

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