
The Writing on the Wall

Valence and Emotion.

Most negatively valenced emotions are not rooted in the present. – Anon

3×3 Sandling to Folkestone

Country walking.

Boring Photo Technology

The technology and sophistication of the present-day camera seems to grow proportionally to the increasingly boring subject matter it records – Steve Pippin

3×3 Hadleigh Castle Country Park

Country walking.

Funny Bones

The remains of something deceased photographed with an infrared camera in the hills of La Gomera    


Standing behind the camera, looking through the viewfinder, closing the shutter, is like momentarily departing the world -Naoya Hatakeyama  Photographer

Privileged Moments

Photographs may be more memorable than moving images, because they are a neat slice of time, not a flow. Television is a stream of underselected images, each of which cancels its predecessor. Each still photograph is a privileged moment, turned into a slim object that one can keep and look at again.   – Sunsan Sontag – On Photography

3×3 Southease to Brighton (The Return)

Country walking.

3×3 Southease to Brighton

Country walking.


The fundamental aim of meditation is to deconstruct the self, not shore it up. – Anon

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