
The Writing on the Wall

3×3 La Gomera – Black, Blue, Gold

Country walking.

3×3 A Good Night Out

Country walking.

3×3 Folkestone to Dover

Country walking.

The View from the Train Window

The view from the train window is like a cross between the view from a window at home and the view from a car. It is like being at home in that you are not obliged to look out of the window as you are when driving or being driven. On a train you are not confronted with the view; it is an option. You can, if you prefer, spend the journey reading, looking up from time to time – […]

3×3 Manningtree Circular

Country walking.

Seeing without a Camera

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. – Dorothea Lange


Make picture of kaleidoscope. —William H. Fox Talbot (ms. note dated February 18, 1839)

Something you don’t See.

Photography is a tool for dealing with things everybody knows about but isn’t attending to. My photographs are intended to represent something you don’t see. —Emmet Gowin

Other Realities

The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality. —Jerry N. Uelsmann

Other Realities

The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality. —Jerry N. Uelsmann

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