
The Writing on the Wall

RED (R)evolution.

Anyone who works in the film & TV industry can’t have helped but notice the crazed jabbering that has been going on about the RED camera over the last year or two. This epoch breaking bit of technology is impressive for several reasons: A) That it is truly innovative in it approach to capturing moving images. B) The beautiful filmic quality of the images it produces. C) The fact that it seems to be a hobbyist project for the Oakley […]

Fox-Trot ALPHA Title Sequence

Rocket Tower features a fictional television news channel charmingly entitled Fox-Trot Alpha. No prizes for guessing who I’m parodying there then. I needed some nasty high gloss titles so I’ve come up with this. Music to be assembled later… Volunteers? {flv}Rocket-FA-Titles{/flv}

Bt tower

Looking very moody today

Birthday Cards & Leaving Posters

I’ve been playing with Photoshop far too long, long enough to remember when it shipped on five 3.5″ floppy discs. When I was first leaning I used to hack together birthday cards for friends and leaving posters for work mates. Here dug up from the archives are a few of them.  

A Trip Down Memory Lane…

I found this bit of history digging around on my hard drive this evening. It has it’s place in history as being the first fake poster I ever did in Photoshop. That’ll be Photoshop 3 I should point out, which at the time came on five 3.5” floppy disks. Now, if anyone knows the whereabouts of Mr Brown, Blonde,White, Blue, Orange, pink and “Nice guy Dom” perhaps they could email them a link to this page.

Inst-a-net Gratification

  Here’s a little bit of instant gratification pop over to Wordle bash in some text or an RSS feed (try : and hit create – et viola instant text based art. The cool thing about it for those of an After Effects persuasion is that you can print the file out as a PDF using one of those nifty PDF printer drivers and it will import into AE as vector based text. You can then fly a camera around […]

For Dummies…#001

Egypt 2009 – The World’s Most Complicated Holiday Video

I started off with the intention of hacking some footage of my holiday together.

Venice 2009 – Timelapse

A quick attempt at some timelapse with the Panasonic GH1.

Big Brother and Me.

We’re all here in the Big Brother house watching the TV… cue the dodgy geordie voice-over…

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