
The Writing on the Wall

Head of large capitalist organisation dies, fanboys morn. (Bye bye Steve Jobs)

So the outpouring has begun… Bye then Steve, you made some nice shiny things along the way, but did you really make that much difference? Incidentally our Mac Pro failed to boot this morning, a trend I suspect will continue with all Mac products over the coming months. Perhaps it simply couldn’t face it any more. But in all seriousness, perhaps this comment I read earlier sums up my feelings: “The death of Steve jobs is a loss to his […]

Levitation Experiment

For the next experiment I will attempt to make Genia walk on water.

Things I definitely won’t be buying from Amazon today.

Is this perhaps a mistake? Seems a bit pricey to me. Have a look yourself here.

New Apple iPhone Silhouette?

Is it me or does the pretty cool sliding animation not work properly on the iPhone homepage?

Folkestone Toilets

It can be tricky going to the toilet in Folkestone – either you have to arrive in the right month or be willing to walk a kilometre or two.

Paul’s 50th Birthday Curry

No, I don’t understand it either.

The Wrong Side of the Tracks in West Hampstead

I stuck my phone over the wall on the bridge in WH and ended up with this serendipitous moment.

Things that make you go urghhh…..

I was filling the watering can in the sink when this little guy came to say “hello!!”

Rick* Birthday Plans 17th/18th September

Saturday: 17/09/11 I’m always accused of being too disorganised about my birthday celebrations so this year you get a full itinerary, so there. Please feel free to join in and leave whenever you fancy – It’s nice to see everyone however briefly. For the inebriated and the lazy the key drinking venue is in extra large text. The postcode to shout drunkenly at the taxi driver is NW3 2QE 10:00 – 11:30 Breakfast at St Pancras Grand (Stomach Lining Exercise)http://www.searcys.co.uk/st-pancras-grand/st-pancras-grand-brasserie/ […]

Bad Ideas vs Good Ideas

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