
The Writing on the Wall

Mysore – day 2

What did we do today? God knows. Oh yes, that's right, we went to a market and met a young lad who chatted away to us like they do and then went on about Glastonbury. Then he mentioned his incense and scent shop, what a surprise. Anyway we duly got sprayed with numerous revolting smelling scents – think old Grannie's minus the less than savoury aspects. Pat purchased some incense sticks – sandal wood and we pottered off.   A few […]

Mysore – army barracks

We arrived here by coach (see driving blog for details of that) initial impressions are good. There seems to be plenty of good places to eat, obviously a bit of a backpacker Mecca. Pat rather brilliantly managed to order four starters to eat this evening. There were some quizzical looks from the waiter before he wandered off. The procession of starters then began, at one point I thought we might need a larger table, but we soldiered on bravely. Most […]

Driving Indian style

I really must get a copy of the Indian highway code. I'd love to see exactly what it says and see if it bears any resemblance to what happens on the open highway. In India they nominally drive on the left. I say nominally because sometimes it's very difficult to say. Lane discipline is not big on the agenda. Given an open road – say three cars, eighteen bicycles, three rickshaws and a couple of cows the strategy seems to […]

Losing my religion…

Mum, mum I don’t know what happened some nasty man came up to me and put and red thumbprint on my head! I’ve still got my camera and wallet though and he didn’t asked me for too much money! Apparently this is to protect me from the “evil eye” I also go a piece of black string tied around my hand which fell off two minutes later, luck didn’t last too long there then..

Hmmm, tasty crisps

Traffic Jam, Indian Style

You can click to see it bigger you know 🙂

Busy busy busy in downtown Bangalore

Here is my learned travelling companion illustration how to deal with hard core “man flu” Note the attractive “sanitised with care” label, just recently removed from the toilet seat.

What are you lot doing?

Bath Time – Ganges Style

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