
Mysore – army barracks

We arrived here by coach (see driving blog for details of that) initial impressions are good. There seems to be plenty of good places to eat, obviously a bit of a backpacker Mecca.

Pat rather brilliantly managed to order four starters to eat this evening. There were some quizzical looks from the waiter before he wandered off. The procession of starters then began, at one point I thought we might need a larger table, but we soldiered on bravely.

Most of them looked rather curious, perhaps it was training day in the kitchen. Something described as crispy eggplant looked a little like slugs coated with ketchup.

Judging from the look on pat's face it's fair to say it didn't taste a great deal better. He proffered me some but I declined his generous offer. I'm not one to deny a man his soggy ketchup soaked slugs.

I faired a little better with a fish curry. When my mouth had recovered after a large bowl of ice cream I decided I liked it.

Well this is India, they have curry for breakfast for gods sake.

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