
The Writing on the Wall

Romantic ricksaw ride

Ganesh temple wildlife

Ganesh (the elephant god) has a temple in Pondicherry. If your god is an elephant you might as well have a full grown real elephant stood outside. It brings in the tourists, generates a bit of spectacle and no doubt a good supply of fertilizer for the plants. You feed the elephant some offerings and he pats you on the head. Nice. You are now guaranteed your place in nirvana or something. It all seems a lot easier than all […]

Easy as riding a (motor) bike.

We’re very greedy in the west when it comes to the two wheeled form of transportation. We want a whole bike to ourselves. That’s just frankly greedy in my opinion. After all, don’t you get a bit lonely when you are out on your own? Best to take at least one friend with you, if only for company. And really, you’ll need someone to read the map and share the driving as well.. ..and then of course when you have […]

There’s this strange bloke following me….

..he keeps trying to disguise himself, but I’ve started to recognise him. I’m taking covert photographs just in case he turns out to be a nutter, I’ll post them here so you can try and track him down if necessary.

Vantage point.

Square peg, round hole.

We are here…

Which translates to here on google maps – Pondicherry It has a pier… ..and even a village drunk.. ..and we had our photo taken on the beach. Lovely.

On route to Pondicherry..

Time to travel in style for a change.

Ice cream on the beach

Dude, I think there’s something on your head..

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