
Category : Random

Right, Get the Coloured Paper Out…

Rickster’s post-production tips #1. For those of you not familiar with chroma keying it’s a method of removing a background and replacing it with something else using a colour as a way of selecting the bit you want to remove. The coloured background card in the example above. Notice how the shot doesn’t move? This is a prerequisite for keying easily, until you get into the world of tracking that is, but more on that later.

Amnesty International

Occasionally you see something that makes you want to applaud. This commercial for Amnesty International is such a thing. The only question that remains is did they do it for real or is it 3D rendered? I leave that for you to decide.

OKGO Videos

I keep telling everybody about these, so I’ve gathered them all onto one page for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!            

Top Dog

rickster.co.uk went live on the 1st of March 2010 and I’ve stumbled my way up the pop charts (a.k.a. Google) and finally hit the summit. Not bad for three months work. (see how I’m doing today here) Now, where the hell did I put the flag? Of course before we all get too excited I feel I should point out that the search term “Rickster” is hardly that common – If I’d managed to get my site to be the […]

Things to do if bored.. Stick a camera in a weather balloon

So you’re a scentist and you mess around with weather balloons for a living. Then one day you think, “I could attach a video camera to it.” This is the result. It also says a lot for the robustness of the GoPro cameras.

Tic Tacs, you know, for Colourists..

  There’s a new flavour on Tic Tac on the block called “Teal & Orange” designed especially for Hollywood colourists to consume whilst grading their latest blockbuster. If none of this makes any sense at all you should probably be thanking your lucky stars for not noticing or getting a colour blindness test. Here are some relevant links: Teal & Orange Teal & Orange P2 My Original Blog Post

QuickTime – Spreading the Message

  I’d like a QuickTime please… There are approximately 9680 different answers to this question as I’ve mentioned at length in a previous blog post. Jack has engaged with my pain about creating QuickTime files. Perhaps we should push forward with a marketing campaign to push the message to the masses?

iSlate New Apple Product Leaked

If you want one mail me and I’ll drop one in the post.* *The iSlate is not guaranteed to serve any useful purpose in your life. Girls will not find you more attractive, stock prices will still go up and down in an unpredictable way and you still won’t get enough exercise. On the plus side you will have a handy place to keep notes and you will only be £5 ( Or in Rickster adjusted Adobe dollars $15) worse […]

GH1 Firmware Hack – 50Mbs Video

The firmware for the Panasonic GH1 has been hacked, allowing amongst other things massively increased data rates whilst recording. This is a real game changer as far as I am concerned. The GH1 is a fantastic camera, but has always played second fiddle to the Canon cameras manly due to it’s shoddy H264 implementation and other “crippleware”   Here’s a summary of the improvements offered by the hack: Hugely better image quality. 50MBit MJPEG shows zero compression artefacts, zero mud […]

Google Ad Words – Rule #1 People are Sadists. Bank on It.

The Stanford Prison Experiment proved one thing above all others, tempt people into being bastards and they seem unable to refuse. I’m too lazy to re-iterate the results here, but basically human nature allows you to behave badly if prompted appropriately. Thus, my latest monkeying with Google ad words has led me to test out the following: Rick* Don’t Press Here It Costs Me Money! Anyway as you’d expect this is turning out to be a great money spender (for […]

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