
Category : Random

What do points make? The right to get into a Christian school.

Below are the “points” requirements needed to get into a local church of England school near where I live. If this wasn’t so depressing I think I’d be laughing out loud. It does occur to me that starting you own religion and declaring your house a temple would seem to be a fairly effective way of building up the required points for entrance. Still, I suspect they might see though that… ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR TWYFORD CE HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC YEAR […]

Windows Performance 1.0 – 7.9?

You can rate the performance of a Windows box to see how well it performs. You end up with a figure between 1.0 and 7.9 So that’s a useful scale then isn’t it? Why not between 1.0 and 6.9? That would at least be funny in a sniggering school boy sort of way. We have to resume that the software engineers at M$ are incapable of doing the rudimentary maths to convert this into a more logical scale. Oh and […]

The Ultimate Form of Irony?

I’ve been creating an animated progress bar in After Effects for a TV programme. So as I’m rendering this out I’m watching a progress bar rendering a progress bar… For an encore I was thinking of creating an animated kettle boiling.

Anorexia – Irony or Symbolism?

At our post house we shred DVD’s we don’t need. This one happened to catch my attention…

Engineering Dinner

It has been pointed out that I made a school boy error in my last post by not including the most necessary element in any engineering meal – a beer. I have recognised the error of my ways and corrected them. In best celebrity cook style I have improved my recipe with the addition of a a side salad of sun roasted DVD shreddings together with a dressing of lens cleaner. Enjoy!

Engineering Lunch

The fridge in engineering was a little empty so I had to improvise.. Actually I think I’ve missed a trick here. I could have labelled the tape “Can’t cook, Won’t Cook” and called the post “TV dinners”

YouTube Goes 4K – Why?

Here’s one to file under the “Why the hell would you ever want to do that?” According to this blog post YouTube are now offering a 4K streaming service. There are a selection of clips to view here. Now before you all go rushing off to view them, I feel I should make a couple of observations. Firstly, Have you got you 4K monitor to hand? No? You surprise me. Well, you don’t to be honest because I’m not actually […]

Windows XP/7 Refusing to Connect to Network Shares

Ever had this little irritation when trying to connect to shares on Windows machines? The unhelpful error message doesn’t give much away either – “Not enough server storage to process the command” Well, yes obviously. Never fear, there’s a registry hack to fix it. This must be applied to the destination (I.E. the PC you are trying to connect to) Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM   \CurrentControlSet    \Services     \LanmanServer      \Parameters IRPStackSize DWORD 0x0000000f (20) You’ll either find that […]

Random Google Result for OS X

I was looking for a book on OS X for the already IT competent and got this result… It’s good to know I have “special needs”

Benefit Fraud Form

Here’s a screen grab from the “Report a benefit thief online form” at the Department of Works and Pensions website. I think the person who came up with the items for the drop down menus has a wry sense of humour. Check it out here for more hilarity. Err, pink eyes? Presumably a raging alcoholic then?

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