
Category : Blog

sPolling Misttooks

I thought I’d point out to all you pedants out there that my spelling has not taken a sudden turn for the worst, it just that Blogger is actually banned by the China “firewall” therefore I have absolutely no way of checking what I’ve just published. I will therefore try doubly hard to not spell anything wrong. If you email me any mistakes I promise to cut and paste them a hundred thousand times. Thank you for your patience in […]

Spot of dinner..

Mauve sofas, nice one. Trying to look cool and failing. Las Vegas in China?

It’s not getting any better…

We are here

View from a rooftop

Even the sign delivery man is cool. I’ve just walked past wearing my cowboy hat. This is the average reaction. Obviously has issues about his height.

Budget rental options

What do you call a bicycle made for three?

Self Portrait

Well, we could ask someone else to take out photo, but it’s more fun trying yourself I think. The results tend to be slightly unpredictable though.

Modern Art?

Pat hates his camera. Actually I’ll rephrase that, PAT HATES HIS CAMERA. Got the message? Good, because I’ve had almost three months of it. He’s decided to customise it to take out some of his frustration. I’m thinking that giving him my “Leatherman” saw last night was perhaps not the best idea I’ve had.

Temple life

Still life with lolliop. Can you tell who it is yet?

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