“Time” magazine has an amusing habit of “accidentally” sticking horns on the famous by way of its cover design. I leave it up to you good folks to decide whether there is any intent behind this. Here’s a few examples to illustrate my point(s)
“Time” magazine has an amusing habit of “accidentally” sticking horns on the famous by way of its cover design. I leave it up to you good folks to decide whether there is any intent behind this. Here’s a few examples to illustrate my point(s)
Matte painting is the process of painting a piece of glass that is placed in front of the camera to allow you to replace or add in additional scenery or features. The advantage historically of course is that you don’t need to do any processing afterwards – what is captured on film at the time is the complete scene – no post production is required. Now an art form relegated to the computer screen like so many others. There’s little […]
Here’s a bit of Timelapse Tom-foolery I shot whilst visiting my friend Pat in Betou, France. The weird interpolated light trail effects you see at the end are a product of using the Fluid Motion timewarp effect in Avid on footage it has absolutely no chance of being able to understand. I rather like it. Kit: Panasonic GH1, Interval Timer.Post: Avid/After Effects.
It’s £4.95 for 100 glow sticks on eBay. How could I refuse? I’ve been filming them on long shutter exposures spinning around on my record decks. More of that later. Here are a few stills to wet your appetite.
I’ve finally worked out the recipe: Take two glow sticks, one orange and one yellow. Crack to start the chemical reaction, then cut in half and empty the contents into a cocktail glass. Remove the ends – they double as straws. Add some boiling water to really get the chemical reaction going. Add a few drops of washing up liquid to break the surface tension of the glow juice. Blow through the plastic tubes to generate a foamy head. Inspect […]
I’m working on a project involving glow sticks, but more on that later. In the meantime anyone fancy a cocktail? For those of you who are wondering how a glow stick works here’s a quick description. The most interesting part being if you heat your glow stick up it glow brighter. What is a Lightstick and How Does it Operate? A lightstick is a plastic tube with a glass vial inside of it. In order to activate a lightstick, you […]
I’ve taken the liberty of re-mastering Derek Jarman’s movie “Blue”. You can download it in full HD by clicking on the image above. Enjoy! For those of you unfamiliar with the work you can read about it here.
Introducing iLAPSE – the 360 degree iPhone timelapse rig. Easy to construct, harmless to pets, fun for all the family!
I’ve been doing some more split screen experiments, this time mirrored around both axis. I’m quite pleased with these results, there’s a hypnotic quality to this footage which is rather appealing.
It’s the simple pleasures in life..