
Experimental Photography – airPhone

IMG_0532Technology is for abusing, that’s my opinion anyway. Most of the great ideas in art, photography and other creative pursuits come from using an object in a way that was never conceived of by the manufacturer. Have a little courage, stop treating you telephone like a extension of you personality. It’s just a bloody phone.


Proceed as follows:

  1. Get yourself a copy of the ever-so-brilliant Quadcamera – this will allow you to take up to 8 exposures at a pre-defined interval.
  2. Find a nice spot where you can leap about. A soft ground surfiace is also advantageous.
  3. Make sure you are sober or your iPhone is insured.
  4. Hit the shutter on Quadcamera and hurl your iPhone in the air like you just don’t care.
  5. Marvel at the randomness of your photography.







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