
Monthly Archives: February 2007

There’s this strange bloke following me….

..he keeps trying to disguise himself, but I’ve started to recognise him. I’m taking covert photographs just in case he turns out to be a nutter, I’ll post them here so you can try and track him down if necessary.

Vantage point.

Square peg, round hole.

We are here…

Which translates to here on google maps – Pondicherry It has a pier… ..and even a village drunk.. ..and we had our photo taken on the beach. Lovely.

On route to Pondicherry..

Time to travel in style for a change.

Ice cream on the beach

Dude, I think there’s something on your head..

Queen Canute?

Happy beach folk

One mosquito down…

So how many more does that leave to kill? Actually, if you’re interested in mosquitoes – and believe me you become almost obsessed with them when you surrounded by them for a large portion of the day, have a look at wikipedia’s entry. Depressing reading indeed.

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