
Category : Constructions

Textual Fun

So here’s a cunning bit of fun, get yourselves over to Tagexedo and generate some text based art. All you have to do is paste in the URL of a website (such as a blog) with some text in it and hit randomise – et viola! Instant gratification. I particularly like the fact that you can export at very high resolutions – ideal for importing into After Effects to fly a camera around or for printing out and sticking on the wall. […]

Fashion Phone Covers

For a brief period a few years back Nokia must have believed they had hit on the best thing since SMS. Namely the concept of the phone with changeable covers – or as I like to imagine it –  clothes for phones.

Birthday Cards & Leaving Posters

I’ve been playing with Photoshop far too long, long enough to remember when it shipped on five 3.5″ floppy discs. When I was first leaning I used to hack together birthday cards for friends and leaving posters for work mates. Here dug up from the archives are a few of them.  

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