
Category : Blog

On Ritual

The stories that provide us with meaning and identity are all fictional, but humans need to believe them. So how to make the story feel real? It’s obvious why humans want to believe the story, but how do they actually believe? Already thousands of years ago priests and shamans discovered the answer: rituals. A ritual is a magical act that makes the abstract concrete and the fictional real. The essence of the ritual is the magical spell “Hocus pocus X is Y!” […]


3×3 West Byfleet to Hampton Court

Click to Enlarge

3×3 Littlehampton to Aldermaston

Littlehampton to Aldermaston Click to Enlarge


Approach the subject on tiptoe, even if it is a still-life. – Henri Cartier-Bresson


Photography as Art

The very question of whether photography is or is not an art is essentially a misleading one.

3×3 Arundel Circular

Arundel Circular Click to Enlarge

Money Tree

3×3 Hever to Leigh

Hever to Leigh, 2017 Click to Enlarge

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