
Search Engine Optimisation – Does Anyone Understand?!

Here’s my little snapshot in time of the search term “rickster” on the major search engines. I apologise the self aggrandisement, but I feel I should point out this not actually that clever as the term “rickster” is fairly nebulous and therefore doesn’t fall into any other categories. If I was top of the list for something more concrete like, errr, concrete for example it would be more impressive.

What I have noticed however is the really rather odd results you get from google.com (try it here) Google seems to place much more significance on twitter output than websites, which seems to be a rather odd way of doing things to my way of thinking. Equally, it throws up an interesting problem for companies who have had their brand names hijacked as twitter use names simply because (as in my case, sort of) Google seems to rate a babbling Twitter user as more “relevant” than a properly written but obviously less active blog or website.






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