Actually, I’ve become a bit of a convert to these types of bikes. You’re sat upright so you can see everything, you’ve got a wide sprung saddle to stop your arse getting sore, a basket to keep your stuff in and a luggage rack at the back in case you need to give a friend a lift. Plus it’s got mud guards and a chain guard so you don’t get crap all over your over-long jeans. It’s called the ‘Forever’ a fitting name I’m sure.
I’m sure this will come as a bit of a shock to the mountain bike owning fraternity, but I think this is a far better design for tootling around the city streets. After all, how many areas of rugged terrain do you actually encounter on the streets of London? Maybe a pothole if you head up to north London.
I think that the obsession with mountain bikes is really about male vanity. People ride mountain bikes for the same reason they buy 4×4’s. A desperate attempt to make out they have an exciting outdoor life, which they patently do not. Riding down the canal tow path is not going “off road” if my books.