Distance covered so far: 6407 km
Days travelling: 44
Hotels stayed in: 10
Rupees spent:40000
Bhat spent: 18000
Toothbrushes used: 2
Club sandwiches eaten: 4
Airline meals consumed: 7
Cups of chai consumed: 132
Photos taken: 1600 (7GB)
Mosquitoes killed 43
Bites sustained: 10
Friends made: 16
Times I had to use squat toilet: 4
Types of transport used: boat, plane, cycle rickshaw, auto rickshaw, taxi, bus, train, horse & cart, tuctuc.
Eggs eaten: 82 approx
Amount of tgel shampoo used: 100ml
Razor blades used: 1
Days wearing current shorts: 6
Foreign SIM cards purchased: 2