Would you trust any of these men to look after your children?
So I hear there’s a general election coming up. Here’s how to go about making a considered opinion about who to vote for in your local constituency.
First look up who is running using a postcode search here: http://www.yournextmp.com/
Now go off and try and dig some dirt.
You can get a financial breakdown and all sorts of other information at this site http://www.theyworkforyou.com/
Then there’s the obvious www.facebook.com
So here are my Ealing Punters:
They say a picture says a thousand words, and I think this sums it up:
Having looked these up I am immediately tempted to phone all the parties and offer my services as a photographer. I mean, how difficult is it to take a decent portrait shot these days? It doesn’t really inspire confidence for the digital age does it?