
Ko Phangan – south east coast of Thailand

We've shuffled south to find some beach action. Internet access is a bit flaky so no pictures yet blog readers.

What can I say? It's hot, damn hot, again. I think I've noticed a pattern forming here, whenever you see a large amount of people wearing shorts and sunglasses and carrying a John Grisham novel the temperature increases. I suspect this in no coincidence.

It's also very rocky. In fact  the whole island is one big rock with beaches dotted around it. I'm really thinking some pictures would be a good idea at this point. My vocabulary and ability deliver the appropriate poetic prose seems to be somewhat lacking.

So, in summary hot and pretty. In fact so hot a briskly walk along the beach induced a gratuitous attack of sweating. Highly unpleasant. I suspect I need to acclimatise or something. Or maybe sit in the shade in a hammock.

On the subject of hammocks our bamboo hut has one. Very handy. the hut is half way up a cliff and is what you call budget accommodation. This means it's somewhat ram shackled and structurally a little unsound. It also has only cold water. Which is impressively cold considering how bloody hot it is outside. It is only four pounds a night, so I can't really complain. It reminds me of the scene in "The Deerhunter" when they are playing Russian Roulette in the jungle. This impression is increased by Pat shouting "Mao" quite a lot, I do wonder about that bloke sometimes. 

Everyone here seems to tootle around on motorbikes so we're going to give that a go tomorrow. The Thai's don't seem to be bothered about things like being able to drive one properly. You can get a huge dirt bike if you fancy, no questions asked. Fortunately the roads seem pretty good, so I think a twist-and-go moped should do the job just fine.
More later, possibly with pictures, who knows?
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