
How do you clean tall buidings?

Initially I couldn’t work out what was going on here – there appeared to be something bouncing around on the side of the building. Perhaps it was some sort of avant-garde art performance I thought.

Ah ha. Little people on strings frantically scrubbing away at the side of the building.. I hope they get paid well.

I met a bloke in a pub some time ago – I know what you’re thinking “this is going to be one of those bad bloke in a pub jokes” No, that would require at least three blokes to be in said pub, otherwise there would be no juxtaposition for humour.

Anyway, desperately trying to get back on topic here, I met a bloke in a pub and when I asked him what he did for a living he told me he was a Rat. He seemed to be missing the prerequisite tail and whiskers for what I understood to be a rat so I quizzed him a little more.

It turned out he actually meant RAT – which stood for Rope Access Technician. This being a fairly ridiculous acronym for what the guys in the picture above are doing.

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