FF Fast Forward through 365 days of a year
REW Rewind to 2011
A bite sized split screen montage of all the photo and video captured on my iPhone in 2011.
Post: After Effects / Premiere Pro
Music: Sample from the track “Seedpods” by Brian Eno.
Part of the “Generative” Video Project.
Look out for the 2012 version available shortly… The 2013 version will be available early 2015, possibly, whereas the 2018 version is due to be published early 2014 one I get the funds for the time machine together.
“Film comes in different sizes. It comes in 35mm, 16mm and 8mm, The bigger the film the bigger the Director the bigger the Actors. The bigger the actors the bigger the awards there are to be won… so that you get absurdly disproportionately big awards when there’s only a few millimetres difference in the actual size of the film”