
Monthly Archives: April 2007


I'm sitting in the Astor house bar drinking a beer and eating a tuna sandwich. I know I'm not supposed to be drinking beer, but it's the end of my trip and I feel a little sad. Actually, that could be the understatement of the century, or at least of this blog. I think everyone can relate to the end of holiday blues. Multiply it by a factor of eight and you probably get the idea. The end of something […]

A farewell to arms…

Right then blog readers, this is the end of the road. I hope you’ve enjoyed the experience. Unless you feel obliged to saturate my Gmail account with entertaining questions I shall see you on the other side of the pond for the uncensored version. I’ve battled technology on three continents and to be honest I’m sick to death of it. Roll on an internet connection I can get annoyed about because it’s my responsibility. I think it’s been fun, have […]

Last chance to see…

Shanghai Nights.

Close up…

Hmmm… nice camera. Freeloader..

More advertising..

Mobile advertising…

Fishing for compliments.

I’ll be your friend..

What did the English ever do for us?

To paraphrase a notoriously over-quoted English comedy sextet. Well, they conveniently popularised the English language for a start. It has to be said if you didn’t speak English, any sort of world travel would be far more laborious. With a basic grasp of English and a rudimentary knowledge of the rules of charades you can pretty much muddle your way through anything. You have to feel sorry for the European travellers clutching at their Chinese phrase books desperately trying to […]

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